Life Coaching

Step 1 – Clarify the goal

The initial step in our coaching strategy is to specify our client's goal in an objective and measurable way. In order to know if our client has reached their goal, no matter how impossible it seems, our client must know exactly what outcome they want and be able to measure progress in a quantitative way. When our client's goal is clear, and our client knows that we understand their vision, the goal will start to take on a new level of reality.

Step 2 – Make the goal real

Our subconscious does not know the difference between reality and imagination. The chemical reactions in our brains are the same whether an experience is actually happening to us or whether we are imagining it in our minds. And the more you can imagine a scenario using all 5 senses, the more impact it will have.

For this step, we have our client imagine in detail what it will be like when they meet their goal. Where will they be? What are their surroundings? Whom are they with? What are they doing?

We make sure that they imagine the experience using all their senses. What sounds would they hear? What would it smell like? What would they see around them? What would they be doing? By coaching our client in making the experience real in their mind, it gives them a strong incentive to take action toward their goal.

Step 3 – Strategize the action steps for achieving the goal

Now that a clear and measurable goal is in place, the next step in our coaching strategy is to work with our client to develop a specific plan to reach their goal. What are the first things they need to do and what is the timeframe it needs to be completed?

At times our coaching strategy might start at the end and work backwards from the goal to figure out the best actions for them to take. We help our clients take focused action to achieve their goal.

Step 4 – Accountability for our client

Step 4 in our coaching strategy is to hold our client accountable for each step along the way to their goal. We keep track of their commitments and make sure they stick to them. Being accountable for their actions makes our clients feel empowered by their progress. This results in our client gaining important confidence in their ability to reach their goal with each action step they complete successfully.

Step 5 – Celebrate each step toward the goal

Last but not least, it is vital to acknowledge every step our client takes on the way to their goal. This is an essential part of our 5-step coaching strategy. Some of the coaching strategy steps are easier than others, but they all contribute to making impossible goals happen for our clients. In this step, we always make sure our client understands that celebrating what they have already achieved is necessary and will provide motivation for achieving more.

Using our straight-forward 5-step coaching strategy, “impossible goals are being achieved everyday” at Sunburst Academy.